Parenting is probably the only job that requires no formal training or prior experience. Its believed to be just natural. And to make matters worst as our former generations excelled in it, the current generations are too expected to be adept at it naturally. But today times are changing and not only parents but also the kids are exposed to mass media, they are more aware and street smart.
Hence apart from being exposed to newer issues in kids apart from traditional ones, the problems too need to be confronted with a different approach. The parent-child relation needs to be less formal and more friendly, more explanatory rather than fear-based. The child must understand why the parent does not like a particular behavior and any punishment given must bring about a relatively permanent change in the behavior if not total.
All children show mood / behavioral disorders sometime or the other which appears to be a problem. But its all matter of growing up if dealt in the right manner since children shall always be children … sometimes stubborn, angels sometimes lovable and sometimes devils too. Many times they cause embarrassment to parents making child-rearing a big challenge. Good guidance in good parenting reduces the stress the problems in treating behavioral disorders in kids.
Approach :
What you as parents may consider problematic maybe actually a normal characteristic for that particular age group. Behavior abnormalities may be due to a general problem in the child’s environment like strict parents and teachers, restricted freedom, or environment for the kids. Try finding the underlying cause for the varied behavior in the kid. Correction of a faulty environment of kid. Also as parents punish the unwanted behavior, reward your kid with gifts appropriate for the age of the kid like a pat on the shoulder, small praise, a look of approval, and unconditional acceptance. Material rewards are not always necessary since they make the child more greedy.
When you as a parent disapproves of a particular behavior, punishments to are required. When we say punishments, they should be in the form of withholding privileges like discontinuing something which the kid likes, missing the favorite dessert, early to bed, less time to play, etc. Threats, beatings, physical abuse, scoldings, or reprimands are not effective punishments for they merely lower the child’s self-esteem and make them lose their self-confidence.
Disciplining the kid must be based on moral values and not fear-based. The child must be able to understand his mistake and why it must not be repeated. Last but not the least respect the individuality of your kid for no two kids are similar and must therefore never be compared to another. Motivate your kid to do what he/ she wants and whomever they might be, they are a good honest one rather than an expert one. Each problem of the kid needs to be dealt with in the present scenario, there are no tailor-made solutions to it…..Understand your kid. Do not preach principles that parents do not practice. Make your kid secure with your unconditional love and support for them. Be consistent in your approach to your kid. Do not change like seasons approving certain behaviors at a time and at times not!!! Listen to your kid what the kid wants to state to you. Display your humor with kids to build a loving bond with them.
Every problem should be handled with love, care, and concern. Children outgrow problems but the way the problem was treated registers deep in the innocent minds of kids and builds their future for tomorrow. But if the problem persists despite your efforts, don’t hesitate to consult a counselor for professional help.
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